The US Networking User Association is a member-focused community where technology and the open exchange of knowledge and ideas takes center stage. Offering a strictly sales-free environment, our members are part of a growing community of network engineers and technology experts.

(US)NUA Group events are primarily held in-person and offer a welcoming environment where members, keynote speakers, presenters and partners participate in educational dialogues. Members, special guests and attendees actively exchange ideas, tips, and experiences related to professional network engineering, design, administration, and other related technologies.

The structure of Group events can vary, but typically include a keynote speaker followed by a 3-5 person panel discussing relevant topics. Attendees are welcomed with food and drink during the event, which is hosted by our sponsors. Selling or discussing a specific product is expressly prohibited, as the goal of the (US)NUA and its Affiliated Groups is to discuss technologies, best practices, personal growth and development, and the direction of the industry overall.

In addition to in-person events, the (US)NUA Groups occasionally host informal get-togethers and online meet-ups to grow and develop their communities. We also offer engaging discussions on our Slack channel, and relevant information presented by industry experts on our blog.

The (US)NUA has a growing number of Associated Groups throughout the United States. Each Group is comprised of volunteers who are dedicated to building the Networking User Group community in their areas. These Groups are in charge of running events locally, as well as helping to draw in both sponsors and attendees.

If you are interested in learning more about starting a US Networking Group Association Affiliated Group in your area, simply fill out the form below! One of our (US)NUA Community Outreach members will contact you to discuss the process and answer all of your questions. In addition you’ll receive our Group Enablement Kit which provides all the information and guidelines you need to begin your local Group today.

Either as an attendee, volunteer or sponsor, we look forward to welcoming you to our growing (US)NUA community!